How to submit Compliments, Suggestions and Complaints

Individuals can log their complaints, compliments or suggestions by:

  • Using this form and handing in to YMCA Bournemouth head office and submitting it in writing or verbally to a member of YMCA Bournemouth staff –
  • Via social media platforms
  • By letter or email to

What to expect when submitting Compliments, Suggestions and Complaints

Our Policy, sets out what will happen when you submit a compliment, suggestion or complaint to us including in particular how complaints will be recorded and investigated and the timescales for a response at each stage of the process.

The policy affirms our commitment to resolving complaints at the first point of contact, using feedback to improve our services and learning from all compliments, suggestions and complaints.

Complaints Performance and Review

One YMCA complies with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Code, providing a high quality and regulated standard for handling complaints. We complete an annual self-assessment to ensure our policies and procedures are compliant with that code.

In addition to the self-assessment we provide an annual complaints report for our Trustees who review and comment on our complaints performance, helping us to ensure that we provide a good service and to identify improvements for the year ahead.

Housing Ombudsman Service

We are registered with the Housing Ombudsman Service. If you live with us, you can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service who can offer support to residents making a complaint and considers complaints that have exhausted our complaints procedure.