Please contact us on the form below if you are interested in taking part in another type of fundraising event on our behalf. Thank you for your enthusiasm!
Sleep Easys
We coordinate a number of fundraising events but our main focus is the organisation of Sleep Easys, which provide fundraisers with the opportunity to get a taste for sleeping rough while raising both awareness and funds to combat homelessness in the local area.
``I’m really pleased to be here. Full-time employment is sometimes the only separation between a person living an ordinary life or becoming homeless. When I was 15, I spent a bit of time sleeping rough so it’s something I feel quite passionate about. My resounding memory was how slowly time passed, and the feeling of isolation and of vulnerability.``
Tim Spring, Big Sleep Easy participant
Get in touch
Fundraising Dept.
YMCA Bournemouth
Delta House Hostel
56 Westover Road