Sadly not everyone has sufficient funds to purchase a computer, and hence struggles when it comes to being part of the digital age we all now live in. How many of us take it for granted to pop onto a laptop/computer to organise our finances, shop, order things, simply surf and to basically sort out our lives? Following on from the huge success of “Give a Laptop” for children home schooling during the last Covid-19 lockdown, Fix IT Computer Services decided to expand the scheme to cover low-income individuals and families.
Now….Fix IT Computer Services have teamed up with YMCA Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch to increase their clients/residents access to quality computer hardware. By ‘arming’ individuals with safe laptops an explosion of opportunity is opened up which can invaluably assist in turning an individuals life around. To be able to give the opportunity to fulfil potential, to integrate into the local working/social community and simply feeling that they are not alone and abandoned is a tangible and positive effect of donations being turnaround by Fix IT Computer Services for YMCA clients/residents.
“No-one should be excluded from the positive effects and opportunities that come with being digitally resourced in today’s world.
So many people simply throw their old laptops away when upgrading so why not recycle them for a fantastic community benefit and help people who are struggling financially/socially to join in our ever-expanding digital society.” – Paul Stacey (Fix-It Computer Services)
Your Help/Donation….WILL Make A Difference….Thank you.
For donating information please contact Fix IT Computer Services on tel: 01202 605458 or email them at