Course Contents

This course runs for five consecutive days from 08:30 – 17:30.


  • Be 16 plus years of age on the date of assessment
  • Jump / drive into deep water
  • Swim 100 metres continually on front & back
  • Swim 50 metres in no more than 60 seconds
  • In deep water, tread water for 30 seconds
  • Surface dive to the floor of pool
  • Climb out of pool unaided without using a ladder / steps where the pool design permits

About the Qualification

  • Excellent starting point for a career in the leisure industry
  • Opportunity for career progression, as most leisure managers start off as Pool Lifeguards
  • Work within a team
  • Learn essential life skills, including First Aid and CPR

Learning Outcomes

The NPLQ is recognised around the world, so potential to work and travel


  • The Junction Sports & Leisure Centre, Station Approach, Broadstone BH18 8AX


£195 per attendee

Forthcoming Courses

– Monday 7 – Friday 11 April 2025


To secure space(s) – please call our Reception/Admin Team on 01202 777766 or 01202 076404 or for further information, email Debit/credit card details required for payment/securing place(s).

Did you know?

The revenue generated from our training courses contributes to our charitable aims and our ability to make a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable people locally.

Courses available

Fire Marshal First Aid at WorkHealth & SafetyManual HandlingMental Health AwarenessMental Health First AiderSafeguardingNational Pool Lifeguard Qualification

How You Can Help Us!

We are a charity and any help you can offer us, whether it be a donation, taking part in one of our fundraising events or volunteering your time, is hugely appreciated. Thank you!

Since August 2020, over 600 individuals and representatives of local organisations achieved certification from YMCA Bournemouth and their partners.

Contact Us

Get in touch

Training Department
YMCA Bournemouth
Delta House
56 Westover Road
Bournemouth BH1 2BS

Admin Team
01202 076404 or
01202 777766

Contact our Team via email: